Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nerd Alert

Being a full-time student means that the time you allot yourself for completely unproductive activities gets exponentially smaller as the year goes on. Those carefree weekends of actually reading a textbook are replaced by weekends where you have to skim that textbook, just so you have time to read the other five that are due for the next week. Plus research for papers. Fun?

My television habits have changed, too. Even with all this work, everyone needs a mindless TV break in between books the size of my desk that are due back in Windsor in less than 24 hours (what would we do without the Inter-Library Loan office???). Rather than tune in to the latest primetime dramas or comedies, my entertainment choice as of late has shifted to my roommate's XBox games.

Yes, you heard me, I'm addicted to plot lines and characters that are animated and get points for looting treasure boxes. Lame? Hardly! I'm greatly entertained by the fact that I can identify the setting of his video games simply by looking at the architecture in the background. Yes, I am a nerd, thank you for silently thinking that in your head. (Side note: Assassin's Creed 2? Great game!)

The great thing about the games, though, from a student's point of view, is that they can be played for hours, so there's no need to waste time changing the channels. Also, it's easy to get some reading done at the same time. Just look up when exciting things are happening. I'm not particularly intriugued by the five minutes of running around looking for things. Secondly, that means there's company in the room! Having separate things on the go in the same room means you can spend time with your roommates (or at least escape the maddenning solitude of your room or the library) and you can still both be doing things you want/need to do.

Somehow, this arrangement seems to work. Sometimes there's snacks involved.

I'd still rather be watching Glee.

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