Thursday, February 11, 2010

Reasons To Be Glad You're a Full-Time Student in Winter

It's North Bay, and it's cold. It's always cold this time of year. And we've lucked out lately with the sunny weather, but that just means that all the heat is escaping without the clouds. But there is a silver lining to being drowned by books in the middle of February. In fact, there's a couple.

1) It's better to be cooped up inside on a beautiful day in February then it is to be cooped up inside on a beautiful day in June.

2) Since everyone else is cooped up too, it doesn't make you feel like the odd-man-out. Also, it's handy to have others around so that when you're talking constantly about your projects, there's actually someone there to listen.

3) Winter makes it more acceptable to be drinking the typically frightening amount of coffee/tea/hot chocolate/latte/frappe/cider that you would be drinking anyways.

4) There's less of a chance that you're going to be drawn outside by amusing prospects from friends. I.e., it's a lot more tempting to join in on a barbeque with a pitcher of margeritas than it is to join in a game of snow tackle football.

5) Suddenly, the library's tropical thermostat isn't as irritating.

Relax! It's February 11! That means that spring is only...38 days away. For now, the picture of a tropical island as my desktop will have to make do.

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