Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sleepless in North Bay

I think we all know that writing at 3 am is rarely a good idea. But on a particularly homesick and academically depressed night, as I was going to sleep after feeling totally unproductive, I thought of 'Goodnight Moon'; remember that kids book about going to sleep? My mom used to read it to me when I was really little. I said goodnight to my pets, and it just went from there. Cheesy? Perhaps. But I like it.

Goodnight hamster, goodnight fish,
Goodnight empty supper dish.
Goodnight laptop, goodnight mouse,
Goodnight thin-walled, drafty house.
Goodnight books, goodnight notes,
Goodnight list of Diefenbaker quotes.
Goodnight flute, goodnight stand,
Goodnight stash of food that's canned.
Goodnight purse, goodnight paper piles,
Goodnight stuff I haven't seen in a while.
Goodnight papers, goodnight folders,
Goodnight tin of oranges that's just getting older.
Goodnight family, goodnight moon,
Tell them all I'll be home soon.

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