Thursday, April 15, 2010

A mission...

Dear valued but minimal followers,

I have a mission for you. In trying to find a title for my latest thesis, I wanted to find a quote by Diefenbaker to use. Long story short, I found one, but I was disappointed to learn that there is no relatively new book of great Canadian quotes. I mean, we have a very proud nationalist country and, frankly, some really entertaining politicians. I'd be really happy if I found a quote book with Chretien's "A proof is a proof. What kind of proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it is proven".

I'm sure there are thousands of great Canadian quotes out there. Send me your favourites! It doesn't have to be from a politician, it could be from the Molson ads (Don't worry, Joe wasn't forgotten). I am going to make this a goal of mine - collect a ton of awesome Canadian quotes, and make a book out of them, even if its just pieces of paper put together in a duotang for my own enjoyment.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Things I Will Miss

I never thought this moment would ever actually come. No, it wasn't the season premiere of 'Glee' (although this was very exciting too). Tonight was my last ever undergraduate exam. French. I guess I should be very excited, and in some way I am, but it was sort of anticlimactic. I still have two papers left to edit, after all. And those are kind of a big deal and worth more than the exam. Nevertheless, the time of sitting down in the giant gym and writing for three hours until your entire arm goes numb (makes me miss the days of first year when it was just the hand that went numb) is now behind me. Frankly, at this moment I don't really care how I did, I'm just happy I'm done.

But I had a bit of an identity crisis last night. Once I realized that I'm so close to being done and I don't know whether I'll be in the area or not next year, I started thinking about all the things I'll miss about Nipissing specifically. I've put them in a bit of a list. To anyone who might feel offended, they are in no particular order. It is 1 am after all.

1) Frosh Week - It became so much a part of my life, I can't imagine not being sleep-deprived for a week before school starts. I'll be going through withdrawal for sure.

2) The Wall food - Never one for the club scene, I will truly miss afternoons of hanging out in the Wall eating delicious delicious food and enjoying a beer or two. They are wonderful people there and they will be dearly missed. Most especially, their fries.

3) My profs - Call me a dork all you want, I love my history department and I've become very close friends with some of them. They are all wonderful people and I will genuinely miss not only learning from them but having them as friends as well.

4) Model NATO - I can't believe how much I will miss this group. Spending a weekend with people who became such wonderful friends and meeting so many interesting and fun people while getting a really amazing experience in Ottawa is an opportunity few get to enjoy.

5) Nature - I love everything about our campus. I love that it backs onto a giant forest with bears and wildcats (neither of which I have seen in my four years here, although I made friends with some deer in first year). I love that we have a pond. I even love the groundhogs that live on the hill next to the student centre hallway. Nature is a huge part of my life and I love being surrounded by it.

There are a million other things that I can think of that I will miss, and I may post them later. For now, my OCD has finally calmed down and I can finally stop dusting and organizing my room and just go to bed. Adieu.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I did it!

It finally happened, I defended my giant thesis!

Well, one of them. And this one was actually the smaller of the two, but I was definitely more scared about this one. To be honest, when my prof was talking to the class about my paper while myself and two other students were on the panel, I didn't know whether to smile or cry with what he was saying, but he finished it off with "...and that's the brilliance of Beth's paper."


I still have no idea what he was talking about, but I guess that means he liked it??

To celebrate our class finishing our presentations, there was a BBQ with snacks, pie and a copious amount of Guitar Hero. Let me just say that there is little better in life than watching most of your favourite class EVER participate (mostly with singing) in Michael Jackson's "Beat It", especially when it was videotaped so we can relive it over and over again!

I don't really know what to do with myself right now. I have an exam on Tuesday, but I don't want to study the entire time until then, and I do have to revise two of my papers but honestly what I have to do is not that big of a job. If it weren't for the snow (grrr) I'd be outside sipping lemonade and playing with the dog. So until the weather gets above 10 degrees, I think I'll stay inside and enjoying tea while playing with the hamster. That will somehow make it better, I think.

In any case, the countdown is on more than ever now until the end. I both can't wait and never want it to come.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

So close!

Anybody else freaking out this time of year?

I have officially finished both DRAFTS of my theses, although I'm really not looking forward to doing the finals of them. My dad asked this weekend, "Is it ever the final draft?" How fitting, dad, how fitting. It seems endless, especially on the inside. PLUS I have my conference dealie for my Genocide seminar on Friday night and Saturday, and my poli sci exam Saturday afternoon, so I don't have that night-before or morning-of cram session available. Reeeeally not looking forward to that exam. I'm good at remembering things that happened (hence the history major) but theories? What the frick is the complex neo-realism theory anyways?

Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical device...

I've got some pretty good support behind me though. Even though my parents are really stressed because our house is up for sale (anybody wanna buy a farm???), they were really good this weekend letting me work and edit papers even though we were trying to watch a family movie. My awesome boyfriend puts up with all my rants, ravings and cranky sessions and even makes me amazing dinners in the process. My room mates generally leave me to my own devices, which is great, but I am getting a little lonely. I told off my one room mate a couple weeks ago because he and a couple of our neighbours and my other room mate all went to see 'Alice in Wonderland' and didn't even ASK me if I wanted to go. Seriously, they just talked amongst themselves like I wasn't even there. Oh, and on the way out the door, he asked me to feed the dog. Um...what? I was hurt. I know I'm busy, but you could at least acknowledge me.

See, now I'm using my blog for rants, ravings and cranky sessions. Forgive me. I'm not here to complain. But in my mind there is an unattainable freedom two weeks from here that exists only in stories. Day by day, I'm getting there...and when that last paper gets handed in, there will be an elation only known by criminals finally reaching the Mexican border. Okay, school isn't that bad, but it's just so close and so far away...