Thursday, April 15, 2010

A mission...

Dear valued but minimal followers,

I have a mission for you. In trying to find a title for my latest thesis, I wanted to find a quote by Diefenbaker to use. Long story short, I found one, but I was disappointed to learn that there is no relatively new book of great Canadian quotes. I mean, we have a very proud nationalist country and, frankly, some really entertaining politicians. I'd be really happy if I found a quote book with Chretien's "A proof is a proof. What kind of proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it is proven".

I'm sure there are thousands of great Canadian quotes out there. Send me your favourites! It doesn't have to be from a politician, it could be from the Molson ads (Don't worry, Joe wasn't forgotten). I am going to make this a goal of mine - collect a ton of awesome Canadian quotes, and make a book out of them, even if its just pieces of paper put together in a duotang for my own enjoyment.



  1. For me, pepper, I put it on my plate. - Jean Chrétien

    I would be quite willing, personally, to leave that whole country a wilderness for the next half-century but I fear if Englishmen do not go there, Yankees will - John A. Macdonald

    We shall be Canadians first, foremost, and always, and our policies will be decided in Canada and not dictated by any other country. - John Diefenbaker

    I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind. - John Diefenbaker

    I am so excited about Canadians ruling the world. - John Diefenbaker

    Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners. And necessity has made us allies. Those whom nature hath so joined together, let no man put asunder. What unites us is far greater than what divides us. ~1961. Address to Canadian Parliament - John F. Kennedy

  2. My favourite isn't so much of a quote as an exchange. A SS commander of a Panzer unit in Normandy said they would "throw the little fish back into the sea" when referring to the Canadians on Juno beach. After advancing farther into France than any other Allied force desipte facing the second highest amount of resistance, Churchill responded "Some fish."
